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Severin V. Kitanov [7]Severin Valentinov Kitanov [1]
  1. Happiness in a Mechanistic Universe: Thomas Hobbes on the Nature and Attainability of Happiness.Severin V. Kitanov - 2011 - Hobbes Studies 24 (2):117-136.
    The article revisits the originality of Hobbes's concept of happiness on the basis of Hobbes's two accounts found respectively in Thomas White's De Mundo Examined and Leviathan. It is argued that Hobbes's claim that happiness consists in the unhindered advance from one acquired good to another ought to be understood against the background of Hobbes's theory of sensation and the imagination, on the one hand, and Hobbes's doctrine of conatus, on the other. It is further claimed that the account of (...)
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    (1 other version)Albert the Great on the Nature and Ontological Status of the Human Being.Severin V. Kitanov - 2017 - Quaestio 17:643-649.
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    Peter of Candia on Demonstrating that God is the Sole Object of Beatific Enjoyment.Severin Valentinov Kitanov - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:427-489.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:I. The Concept of Beatific EnjoymentThe locus classicus for the medieval scholastic discussion of beatific enjoyment is the first distinction of Book I of Peter Lombard's Sentences. Lombard extracts three distinct formulations of the term "enjoyment" from Augustine's writings. The first formulation is borrowed from the first book of Augustine's treatise On Christian Learning . The formulation states that "to enjoy is to inhere with love in something for (...)
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    Robert Greystones on Certainty and Skepticism. Selections from His Works ed. by Robert Andrews, Jennifer Ottman and Mark Henninger.Severin V. Kitanov - 2021 - Review of Metaphysics 75 (1):137-138.
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    Speculum review. [REVIEW]Severin V. Kitanov - 2010 - Speculum 85 (4):971-973.
  6.  26
    Monika Michałowska, Richard Kilvington on the Capacity of Created Beings, Infinity, and Being Simultaneously in Rome and Paris: Critical Edition of Question 3 from “Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum.” (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters 130.) Leiden: Brill, 2021. Pp. vii, 187; black-and-white figures. $113. ISBN: 978-9-0044-4752-3. [REVIEW]Severin V. Kitanov - 2022 - Speculum 97 (4):1235-1236.
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  7. The Problem of the Relationship between Philosophical and Theological Wisdom in the Scholasticism of the 13th and early 14th Centuries. [REVIEW]Severin V. Kitanov - 2011 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 31 (1):89-99.
    In the first ordinary question of the secular Oxford theologian Henry of Harclay, a question dealing with the possibility of accurately predicting the second coming of Christ, we read the following account of a story told by Alexander Neckham, a Christian theologian and Abbot of Cirencester : We should also look at the remarkable story Alexander Neckham tells in his second book of On the Nature of Things, in the chapter called ‘On the Jealous’. It concerns the evidence for Antichrist’s (...)
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